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DailyFX com (Review)

DailyFX com is the creation of FXCM the leading forex brokerage firm in the whole world. FXCM established DailyFX as a supplementary wing of their business in the year 2003.

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The reasons that led to the creation of this support wing was caused by the need to have a forex trading community that would provide a support system for the advanced and the newbie trader who was just getting into the trading world especially forex trading.


DailyFX com (Review)


www DailyFX com is the website in which you will find the DailyFX community. This has become a sort of extension for the forex traders around the world who subscribe to their technical and fundamental analysis alike.



The more traders join the community, the better the material becomes. Every trader who is lagging in any way in their trading and they would like to advance their trading knowledge, and skills will find solace in DailyFX.

The fact that DailyFX is global means that more traders from around the world can get access to it and this means that the analysts should always strive to create new material and refine their analysis to keep the community fresh and hungry for more.

DailyFX is delivered in the following languages, English, French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Greek, Arabic, and Mandarin. This is a selection of all languages that are widely spoken in the world, and most traders will always feel part of the community and get to share in the advantages made open by DailyFX.


DailyFX review


DailyFX has won numerous awards over the years, and the awards are deservedly so, they have won awards from FXSTREET: FOREX BEST AWARDS for Best Sell-side Analysis Contributor and Best Broker Research Team for the recent years that have gone by.

They have won several Readers’ Choice Awards from Stocks and Commodities Awards for the most recent past years. This goes to show, that they also appreciated by their peers in the same space and also the community as a whole know the meaning of their activities and the impact they have in the wider forex communities.

There is no arguing with facts, the number of forex traders who are FXCM clients who have had the opportunity to be involved in the DailyFX community have improved their results drastically, and the number of profitable traders in the community is growing by the day which is a good sign.

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The quality coupled with the passion of the analysts in the DailyFX community is one of the major contributors that have led to the growth of the community by the masses.

The fact, that it is a free research website one may think that they compromise on the quality of their material but they would be so far from the truth they would not know it.

The aspect, that it is free and the quality is still up to the required standard that means that they are really dedicated to bringing forex education to the world in a genuine way.


Features of DailyFX


DailyFX has several features that stand out, and this makes it one of the easiest forex community websites to navigate through. The website is not cluttered with unnecessary information and numerous advertisements that make a quality website look unprofessional which is a major reason why people keep off.



This is not the case with DailyFX; it is well structured, and everything is visible and easily accessible by a click of a button. They have a news tab, technical analysis tab, calendar, rates, charts, education and DailyFX Plus.

The entire above mentioned have more added to them, and that makes it very easy for the visitors to go straight for what they want.


DailyFX News


DailyFX news has the following added into it to give it a comprehensive view. It has daily briefings on all dollar-based majors; this news is important because it gives a trader a wider perspective of what to expect from the majors on that particular trading day.




They have news updates that are updated as the day goes by and this give the trader an insight of the developments as the day goes by.

They also offer commodities news, and this gives the commodity traders important updates and also all traders who speculate the commodity based currencies get to be updated on what is happening and can affect their trading during the day. They also have the weekly currency forecast and analysis too on the news section.


DailyFX: Calendar and Technical Analysis


DailyFX has one of the best technical analysts in the forex trading business, and because of that, they offer quality analysis all day.


www DailyFX com


The section has the analysts pick, trading volumes for all the volume trades, they offer support and resistance analysis, pivot points, sentiment analysis, algorithm trading, daily technical reports and articles. This information is meant to cover all or most aspects of the technical analysis aspect of trading forex.

The DailyFX calendar has very interesting features that are beyond the normal economic calendar, they have the webinar calendar for upcoming webinars, and they have a rollover calendar, central bank rates, and a dividends calendar.

All the information is very important to the forex trader without one aspect the trader ends up lacking in an area, and that deficiency is reflected in their trading results.


DailyFX: Rates and Charts


DailyFX provides real-time rates on currencies, commodities, and indices. On their website, they have the trading view interface that has number assets accessible and more so the trader can place their trades through a trading view or directly from DailyFX without having to go to their trading platform.


DailyFX com


The charts and the analysis can be saved for future use which is a beautiful thing for traders who would want to do a review of their trades after the trading hours are over.


DailyFX Education


DailyFX offers free education for their visitors in the Forex Trading University, that is structured from the freshman year, sophomore year, junior year, and lastly the senior year. This takes the trader in a step by step manner to the very end where they can stand by themselves and make solid decisions concerning their trading.


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